Thursday, June 15, 2006


There has been very little posting going on so far. That's because Kristin and I had our baby last week! It's been really exciting, and quite stressful. And sleepless. But in the meantime, there has been some cool stuff going on in the world.

Levi Leipheimer took the Dauphine Libere, which is pretty cool. Perhaps more exciting than that though was to see George Hincapie's strong performance, and Floyd Landis faltering on the climbs. I like to think that Floyd, Levi, and Ivan Basso have already had the biggest bangs of their seasons and George is still coming up. I would love nothing more than to see George take the Tour, but we'll see how that goes.

My little brother Dean finally got a road bike. He found a 2005 Cannondale R700 on a great sale. It was the last one the shop had, and just happened to be his size. He got it for about 25% off the full price. Even though I have nicer parts on my bike, I find myself being slightly jealous. That frame is sweet.

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