Thursday, November 15, 2007

Some good music

Hey y'all, check out my friend Stephe's band, A Sweet Bitter Winter. I was actually thinking about playing bass with them, but alas, my horrendous work schedule prevented me. It was fun jamming though while it lasted. Enjoy and let me know what you think!


Ben said...

Hey, they are good! That's some excellent playing, and the songs show a really good balance between the instruments.

Karl said...

I'm glad you liked it. I can get recordings for you if you want to listen without enduring the cesspool that is MySpace.

Anonymous said...

I love you, and our long walks together in the snow. Hand in hand, taking in all that life has to offer.
Oh, and by the way I finished your cd yesterday. I'll bring it in to work tomorrow and leave it in the West Nurses station for you.
How I miss those times together.


Anonymous said...

Not bad. Not bad at all. Very good, in fact. :)

I need to get my Woman to listen...I think she'd like it a lot.